Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Reluctant Amazon Customer Once Again

Towards the end of last year I closed and deleted my old Amazon account, vowing to shop elsewhere in future.

Unfortunately, circumstances have conspired to force me to create a new account. The cause of this reversal was some sleep headphones that I heard about from Erika Moen (of Oh Joy Sex Toy fame) via a comic-post she’d written about her mental health. (Be aware that rest of that sight is Not Safe For Work, though you could probably guess from the name.)

I checked some other reviews online, then looked to see where I could purchase a pair. The maker has a website and the appearance of being able to order direct, but the process of placing an order failed with PayPal complaining that no authorisation could be performed.

The only other place I could purchase these from was, of course, Amazon.

I’ve subsequently purchased the laser printer that I briefly mentioned in my previous post, the HP LaserJet Pro M15w, through Amazon — not out of choice, but because it was the only place that had any in stock.

Do I regret deleting my old Amazon account? On balance, no — as I discussed in a previous post, its age plus the sheer number of things I’d purchased over that time had rendered its suggestions meaningless, and I found its search mechanism more hindrance than help.

Stepping away from Amazon has gotten me into the habit of shopping around and looking for the best service as well as price. So in some ways it has been a worthwhile exercise.

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