Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Focus Screen

I had a breakthrough the other day, finally discovered the correct swipes to get widgets to move to my 1st-generation iPhone SE’s home screen.

Photo of my iPhone home screen, with BBC Weather and Reminders widgets occupying most of the screen, and Phone, Messages, WhatsApp and Fastmail icons in the Dock.

All but four apps have been removed from the home screen. To access any of the others, I can swipe right to the App Gallery or do a short swipe down to type in the first few letters of the app I want.

For some apps, notably Apple’s ones, there are even quicker routes to access them — either a short swipe from the bottom to bring up the Control Centre, or swipe down from the top then swipe right to open the Camera.

I just wish that there was a way to add widgets directly to the home screen — if it’s possible, it’s not at all obvious to me!

The other annoyance is that I’ve not been able to move any widgets onto the home screen of my iPad Mini 4. I’ve managed to get them to move over the home screen, but as soon as I let go they shoot back to the widget area. I hope that Apple makes widgets a lot more manageable in i(Pad)OS 15.

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