Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Posts for 2019-01-18

Today, I’m trying out something @patrickrhone suggests in his book Minimal Mac, and simplifying my RSS feeds into just two folders: Important and Unimportant.

I’ve already dropped a lot of feeds that haven’t been updated in ages, plus some more that no longer work.

One niggle: both my RSS reader apps of choice—Reeder on Mac, Fiery Feeds on iOS—lack the ability to reorganise multiple feeds in one go. I had to go direct to Inoreader, the service I use to gather and sync to my devices, to sort all my feeds.

Behold Moebius’ Many Psychedelic Illustrations of Jimi Hendrix

The 1995 release of posthumous Jimi Hendrix compilation Voodoo Soup has divided fans and critics for over two decades now. But whatever its merits, its cover art should hold an honored place in every Hendrix fan’s collection. Drawn by the legendary cult comic artist Moebius from a photograph of Hendrix eating soup in France , it captures the sound Hendrix was moving toward at the end of his life—his head exploding in flames, or mushroom clouds, or pink psychedelic bronchial tubes. The image comes from a larger gatefold, excerpted below, which Moebius drew for the French double LP Are You Experienced/Axis: Bold as Love in 1975.

Moebius hendrix 450

Two of my old cameras are definitely going to be headed to the recycling centre soon. Put fresh batteries in them and powered up, but sensors are dead. Oh well. The PowerShot G9 is still working though, so I will definitely be getting some more use out of it this year, with luck.

(Yes, I have a decent camera in my phablet phone, but the G9 is easier to handle and more importantly it’s on a strap so not so scared of dropping it!)

One of the cameras is so old it uses CompactFlash memory cards for storage. And of course, I don’t have a CompactFlash adaptor anymore. facepalm

Canon PowerShot S3IS camera (on left), Canon PowerShot A80 camera (on right, plus old 1GB CompactFlash memory card).

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