Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment โ€” things may change appearance between visits. ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

This Site Will Be Moving Home on Boxing Day

This post is primarily for those of you who follow posts here via the RSS feed.

On Boxing Day โ€” the 26th of December 2023 โ€” I will redirect the DNS for this place from the current self-hosted WordPress site to a new static website generated using Hugo.

The RSS feed will change to โ€” alas, I’d hoped to be able to jiggle it to match up with the WordPress feed, but it looks like that isn’t doable. Please make sure to plug that address into your RSS reader of choice to keep receiving updates!

The site design will look quite a bit different, and may fluctuate as I experiment with different CSS features.

I know that in the past I’d shied away from delving into static site generators, but I’ve realised that I missed the fun of being able to play around with HTML & CSS. (JavaScript may show up too, but only where absolutely necessary.)

This will be my last post to the current WordPress site before Christmas, so season’s greetings to those of you who read this, and hoping you all have a happy New Year.

If you'd like to comment, send me an email.