Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

I Suspect This Wasn't Really A Survey…

Email from the institution that manages my personal pension fund: “Hi, we’d like to get to know our investors better, could you fill in this quick survey to tell us more about what sort of investor you are?”

Me: okay, I’ve got time to spare, let’s do this.

Of course, the ‘survey’ is hosted by a third party, and there’s no sign of any information about what the third party will do with the data I’ll enter. That’s a red flag, but I decide to carry on and see what information they want.

First question: “How old are you?”

As they provide an option for ‘Prefer Not To Say’, I choose that and continue.

Second question: “What age range are you in?”

Again, the option ‘Prefer Not To Say’ is provided, so I choose that and continue.

“That’s all the questions we have for you today. Thanks for your time.”

Huh. I guess the other questions were all age-related. Or, if I’m honest, their concept of ‘get to know me better’ actually means ‘build a profile of me that can be sold and monetised’.

Too cynical?

I’m not going to name the institution because I doubt this practice is specific to them.

Coincidentally, this is also why I stopped dealing with survey companies who are after ‘public opinion’ or offer the prospect of prizes to entice me to give them information. If they want that stuff, they can work for it like everyone else, instead of expecting me to do the legwork for them.

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