Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Post-Christmas Housekeeping

I’ve been doing some tinkering under the hood on the admin side of the blog this morning, to simplify things and generally make the place feel more ‘mine’.

As I don’t really use categories or tags on posts, the old ones have all been swept away, leaving just the one default category. As I can’t remove that from WordPress, I’ve opted to remove the visual indicator from the Single Post template. (Yay for full site editing!)

I’ve turned off comments and pingbacks/trackbacks on all posts. Sadly those seem to receive spam these days mostly, so that’ll be less admin work for me to do. Instead, I’m putting an email link under each post.

Oh, and I finally remembered to add back the site icon.

Now that I have both iA Writer and MarsEdit 5 hooked up to the blog, I’m hopeful that my blogging should increase markedly in 2023. 🫰

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