Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

0% Christmas

One of the radio stations I occasionally listen to here in the UK has this thing where it goes “100% Christmas” from mid-November through to early January every year.

I don’t mind some Christmas music, but I draw the line at Christmas music all the time. Needless to say, that station isn’t playing on any radio in our home currently.

Over the last few years, we’ve gotten more minimal in our celebration this time of year. None of us are religious, so the only day that has any meaning is the Solstice because that means days start getting longer, and who doesn’t want to celebrate more sunshine?

Since we no longer have extended family nearby, there’s no reason for a big Christmas meal or party, and the few decorations we put up are for our own enjoyment, not showing off to others.

Rather than buy each other unnecessary or silly gifts, we get things we need and give money to charity to help the homeless.

Christmas Day is a day for quiet reflection and enjoyment of each other’s company, not stuffing ourselves with food and drink. While I have fond memories of childhood Christmases of years past, I also remember how much clear-up was required afterwards.

This year I received some turtle-neck jumpers and an extra wool beanie, which have been very welcome during the recent cold snap that gripped the UK!

So it’s all the more jarring to occasionally watch the TV and be bombarded by advertising exhorting us to Buy More Stuff and Eat Drink & Be Merry, particularly this year when we’ve all been affected by the rising cost of living. It will be interesting to see if all the money pumped into these adverts translates into sales — I have a feeling it won’t be nearly as much as retailers and manufacturers hope.

To be clear, I’m not lacking in Christmas spirit — I’m a firm believer in Peace On Earth and Goodwill To All, even if I’m not religious. And I will be playing some Christmas music on the day, as I’ll be doing my regular Sunday radio show, but it’ll be my pick of less-played songs plus my personal faves. And I will wish you, dear reader, all the best for whatever holiday (or otherwise) you’re celebrating. 🙂

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