Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Doing Less With More (Keyboard Keys)

David Sparks recently posted about why he’s sticking with his Apple Extended Keyboard, despite its size:

I fell into it, to be honest. I bought a Mac with an extended keyboard and found myself using those extra keys not so much as a keypad, but as a mechanism to launch automation. Those extra keys came in handy with seven additional function keys, proper arrow keys, and all those number keys.

The problem with moving to a smaller regular keyboard, he notes, is that the size reduction comes at the expense of keys either becoming moving to less convenient places or having to do double duty depending on whether the Function key is pressed.

For many folks — those who are used to that layout or have never needed to use the arrow or function keys in anger — this is acceptable. And yes, an extended keyboard means compromises elsewhere on your desk, particular where your mouse or trackpad are concerned.

My current Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000 keyboard, which I’ve raved about in the past on the blog, is a monster, even bigger than Apple’s Extended Keyboard — but besides the ergonomic aspects, I find the extra keys invaluable to me for writing, editing and doing more without needing the mouse. I love this keyboard so much that I have a second one in reserve in case this one ever breaks and becomes unusable.

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