Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Life in the Old eReader Yet

It occurred to me today that I have a load of books purchased from the good folk at Take Control Books that I could put onto my dad’s old Kindle, so I have a portable reference library.

Easier said than done, however. Actually finding out how to do the transfers required a bit of searching, and very little information could be gleaned from Amazon’s pages. (Although they do helpfully tell me that this device will no longer receive software updates.)

The Kindle wasn’t showing up when I connected it to the Mac, although it was charging just fine.

I did find the Send To Kindle app, which isn’t on Amazon UK website for whatever reason. It’s a cross-platform horror that was apparently designed in a pre-Retina-display world, meaning its text and UI are noticeably fuzzy. (Adobe’s Acrobat DC app shares this trait, which I find mind-boggling.)

I eventually realised that I needed to try a different cable. Lo and behold, the Kindle now shows up in Finder, and I can drag files to its Documents folder.

I’m glad that I now have a good use for this Kindle, and one that won’t involve me giving any extra money to Amazon.

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