Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Do I Still Need An iPad?

I am seriously considering whether I still need an iPad. While it is convenient for some things such as games and reading, I’ve always found it less-than-great for creating stuff1. With a more modern iPhone I can do a lot more on-the-go, plus it fits in my pocket!

I’m also looking at this from an environmental viewpoint; the iPad is an extra thing to keep charged.

I’m currently trying out moving apps from the iPad to the iPhone and seeing how I get on. If it all works out, I’ll most likely sell my iPad Mini2.

It’s somewhat ironic that I was an iPad owner for several years before I was an iPhone owner. Back in 2010, after initially being lukewarm, I saw the potential as a commute companion. I’m now on my third iPad, but both this one and its predecessor have been WiFi-only as I no longer commute.

I suppose I could have opted for a larger iPhone, but to be honest I quite like the idea of being able to comfortably hold it in one hand. Plus I’m not ready to give up on the Touch ID.

Perhaps I’m also belatedly accepting that I should focus on making the best use of what I have now to Get Sh*t Done, instead of pining after devices whose features I will most likely never get around to taking advantage of?

  1. While I could get a stylus or keyboard to help with that, it means more stuff to lug around and keep charged. ↩︎

  2. I’ve considered the new iPad Mini 6, but a) they’ve bumped the price up, b) it’s larger so I’d need to invest in a new cover for it. ↩︎

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