Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

The Black Dog

Last Sunday was probably the worst day for mental health I’ve had in quite a while. I struggled to get much done that day, and felt dead inside. Not even a visit to a local public garden could fully lift that feeling.

I’m not sure what triggered it, but I suspect a combination of poor sleep plus sliding on the exercise front. I’ve forced myself to go walking the last few days, and spent my indoors time listening to uplifting and/or relaxing music, and that has definitely helped.

I need to focus a lot more on the good things around me and my achievements, and less on what might happen in the future. And I definitely need to do more meditation and learn how to counteract depression and anxiety then they show up.

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