Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

A Food Critic Reviews the Swedish Chef’s New Restaurant

From the New Yorker, June 2021:

When I heard that the Swedish Chef from “The Muppet Show” was opening a Chelsea location of his celebrated bistro, Dorg Schnorfblorp Horganblorps, I was skeptical. I’m always hesitant to believe the hype surrounding celebrity chefs, especially when they’re made of felt. While the city was abuzz, calling Mr. Muppet the new Jean-Georges Vongerichten, I was certain that this newcomer was nothing more than a passing fad, a Swedish Salt Bae. But, after such a tough year for restaurants, I was curious about how this mustachioed madman’s gimmick had sustained its popularity. Eventually, I decided that I had to go see for myself—could the Swedish Chef’s bites ever live up to his bark, or bork?

If you’ve never watched The Muppets, in any of their incarnations, this won’t make any sense at all. But it shows that even the printed word is enough to bring them to life in your head. 🙂 A great read.

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