Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Not A Good Day

  1. External hard disk that I use for Time Machine backups had stopped backing up, and when I forced it to do a backup was running very slowly. This is why I’m glad that I also backup online to Backblaze! Disk Utility was taking forever to run First Aid on it, which wasn’t promising. In the end, I went for the nuclear option, erased the drive then did a full Time Machine backup.
  2. For some reason, my Microsoft 4000 keyboard was acting up — I couldn’t type anything, and most keyboard shortcuts were failing. I did an SMC reset, and that seems to have fixed things. I’ve no idea what was going on there.
  3. The replacement gas lift cylinder for my office chair arrived today — but the old one absolutely refuses to come out, even with application of WD40.

I’m tired and frustrated, I’m going to listen to music for rest of today and chill the heck out.

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