Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Move Fast, Break Things, Not Our Problem

Catalin Cimpanu, the Record:

A threat actor has published the phone numbers and account details for an estimated 533 million Facebook users —about a fifth of the entire social network’s user pool— on a publicly accessible cybercrime forum.


“This is old data that was previously reported on in 2019,” a Facebook spokesperson told The Record. “We found and fixed this issue in August 2019.”

Nick Heer:

Well that is a relief since everyone I know has gotten a new name, email address, and phone number since August 2019.

Sadly, this is now the standard response to data breaches — state that you’ve bolted the stable door, move on. Any fallout is the user’s problem, not theirs.

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