Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Over-Clean My Mac

One of the utilities I keep on my Mac is CleanMyMac X. I’ve used previous versions of this app ever since I moved to an iMac in 2012, and it is very useful for finding and removing detritus left behind by apps, and free up storage space if needed.

However, with such powers comes the possibility of causing new problems by going overboard with the cleaning. I recently ran into issues with a few apps either complaining that they were damaged, or getting stuck when opening. I suspect this is because of CleanMyMac’s ability to not only clean around apps but inside them too, removing things like extra language support.

I’ve now curbed CleanMyMac’s enthusiasm, so it now only flags up things like broken start-up items. I’ll only allow it to do a deeper scan if I feel it’s warranted.

These days I’m not as constrained as I used to be when it comes to storage space on my Mac, partly because I’ve moved away from being a digital pack-rat. Unfortunately, the urge to check for problems is a little harder to shift, but I’m getting there.

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