Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Someone Put Windows 10 on ARM on Apple Silicon – The Results Won't Shock You!

AWS engineer puts Windows 10 on Arm on Apple Mac M1 – and it thrashes Surface Pro X

An Amazon Web Services (AWS) virtualization engineer has shown what Windows 10 on Arm could be like if Microsoft licensed its Arm-based OS to the public rather than just to Windows 10 manufacturers.

AWS principal engineer Alexander Graf did just that, using the open-source QEMU virtualization software for Windows on Arm. QEMU emulates access to hardware such as the CPU and GPU. Graf’s work was spotted by The 8-bit, via 9to5Mac.

“Who said Windows wouldn’t run well on #AppleSilicon? It’s pretty snappy here,” Graf wrote in a tweet.

Awkward! I’m betting Microsoft are not going to be pleased with Mr. Graf…

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