Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Posts for 2019-06-01

I Declare To-Do List Bankruptcy! (and you should too)

I’ve done this several times over the years, usually because I’d not yet gotten a good GTD setup that I could stick with, or the tools I was using at the time just weren’t working for me.

Is your kitty a convict? – The Oatmeal

I see a lot of lost cat posters in my neighbourhood. 🙁

W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles

There is one web The web should not cause harm to society The web must support healthy community and debate The web is for all people Security and privacy are essential The web must enable freedom of expression The web must make it possible for people to verify the information they see The web must enhance individuals’ control and power The web must be an environmentally sustainable platform The web is transparent The web is multi-browser, multi-OS and multi-device People should be able to render web content as they want

iTunes: An Error Occurred – Allen Pike

Of course, with great power comes great technical debt. As iTunes became a mammoth katamari of features tangentially related to media, it failed to become a robust front-end for Apple’s increasingly complex network of media services. UI oddities – ranging from weird modal dialogs to an often complete inability to handle network problems – often belied iTunes’ status as a tired legacy product.

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