Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Get off of Twitter

Nolan Lawson doesn’t mince his words.

Write blog posts. Use RSS. Use Use Mastodon. Use Pleroma. Use whatever you want, as long as it isn’t manipulating you with algorithms or selling access to your data to advertisers.

102KB ought to be enough for any email

Good grief. I remember this from when I still used Gmail in my browser. (I switched away in 2013, moved to FastMail.) Why is this still a thing??? (The 102KB email display limit, that is. Gmail’s another matter entirely.)

What in the Hell Was Google Wave Trying to Be Anyway?

Wow. A whole decade since Google debuted what must rank as one of their most ‘WTF’ products ever.

Google’s Chrome Becomes Web `Gatekeeper’ and Rivals Complain

Truly, Chrome has become the new IE6.

Cake or death: AMP and the worrying power dynamics of the web

If Google was my doctor, they’d be currently explaining to my family that although the experiment they tried did sadly kill me, they got a ton of useful data from it, and they think they can definitely work on fixing that bug in the next version of the experiment.

Fake News is Spam

Crank calls and robocalls were spam of the phone era. The email had its spam. Text messages also became spam. Why are we surprised that social media posts became spam — in most cases as fake news. Tomorrow it will be video and virtual reality spam.

“But I dont like Spam!”

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