Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Posts for 2019-05-10

While I like Typora a lot for journalling, the lack of an auto-save is a major downside for me. So I’m going to switch back to Sublime Text, which I’ve adapted with packages specifically aimed at writers. Maybe not the nicest looking solution, but it fits me well.

I finally had a chance to read Autism informs and empowers Greta Thunberg’s climate activism in full. Thanks to @patrickrhone for sharing this. I was nodding along throughout. I remember being viewed as weird and strange when I was young, and jibes from co-workers later in my adult life.

I’ve Said it Before, And I’ll Say It Again

Om Malik:

If you think the situation for standalone cameras is bleak now, just wait until we get to the future! It is pretty obvious the smartphone cameras will improve at a much faster rate than standalone cameras, which are still locked into an older model of product development. Soon, it won’t be surprising to have everyday (not just high-end) phones with three to five lens modules that do everything from wide-angle photography to longer aperture telephotos from a single device. With software improvements coming in thick and fast, I expect this will be the new reality within 24 months.

I still have my Canon G9, but I’ve not used it in ages. Any time I feel the urge to take a photo these days, I reach for my phone or tablet.

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