Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Small Is Still Beautiful

Amazon UK asked me for a review of the iPhone SE that I got last month, so I’m sharing what I wrote there.

Two years ago, I reluctantly parted with my old and much-loved iPhone 4s after it became clear that it was getting very long in the tooth. I moved over to a cheap Android phone, as I couldn’t justify the cost of a new iPhone and didn’t really want a huge handset. But I never fully got comfortable with Android. So when I saw the iPhone SE going cheap on Amazon, I decided to grab one.

It feels strange to be holding a small phone again, but at the same time it feels right too. I have large hands, but even I find large phones uncomfortable to hold and use. The comparatively smaller screen might put some people off, but I didn’t buy this phone to read on or watch movies. The 16 GB capacity means that I’m only installing the apps that I really need on it.

Performance is really good, as is the battery life. Overall, I’m glad I got this phone, and I’m hopeful that it’ll give me several years of good service.

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