Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Posts for 2019-05-06

Doing this week: Getting Started on WordPress – IndieWeb

I’m using Todoist to set myself weekly and monthly goals now, as well as daily ones. Time to level up my productivity and commitment.

Evil Clippy: MS Office maldoc assistant

A long, and very technical read, but a good reminder that you really shouldn’t allow macros to run in any MS Office product unless you absolutely have to—and even then, it might be worth considering other ways to automate that.

The Tyranny of Convenience

These days, convenience increasingly has a price that we can’t readily see. Not just monetary, but in cost to our agency, and more…

Somewhat annoyed that I’ve hit a part of the JavaScript30 course that absolutely won’t work in Safari. For now, speech recognition inside the browser is only supported by Chrome and Opera. No workaround or alternative possible, I have to use Chrome for that lesson. Grr.

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