Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Posts for 2019-05-01

Annoyed that the ‘compatible’ ink cartridge I got for my old Canon printer is out of ink already. I know where it went, too—onto my hands, when I was installing it in the printer. Won’t be buying from there again. Now to find best deal on Canon cartidges…

Today, I took the first step toward getting a diagnosis of my autism. I’ve been warned that it could take a long time, and the support available for adults here is limited. But at least I’ll be able to show the world that I’m not broken or weird, just different.

Since @jack posted about how he’s switching around his work system, here’s mine.

Writing—Sublime Text Tasks/Notes—Todoist Archival—DEVONthink Pro Office

Journalling is combination of iCloud Drive and Sublime Text, with Keyboard Maestro and Hazel for automation. It works for me.

Brexit has shone a light on our constitution. Now it’s time for real self-government

The greatest threat to democracy comes from a passive electorate, one that has ceased to concern itself with public issues.

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