Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Posts for 2019-04-06

Well, that’s a bummer. My phone (Lenovo PHAB2) appears to have bricked itself. I turned it on after an overnight recharge, but it’s not starting up and the screen is staying blank.

I’ve ordered an iPhone SE, the cheapest I could find, as a replacement. May be old, but it’ll do.

Another annoyance. Latest update to DEVONthink Pro Office has caused Apple Mail plugin to vanish, and I can’t reinstall it as option in DEVONthink is disabled. I can save mail messages to the DEVONthink inbox folder for now, but I’m wondering what changed and how to fix it.

Phone has now come out of whatever loop it was stuck in, and I can use it again, for now. But battery is down to 50%, from being fully charged this morning. Something was draining the phone today, definitely. Not a good sign.

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