Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Posts for 2019-03-14

The Coming Software Apocalypse

A long read about why the software that we increasingly rely on to live in the modern world needs new tools and thinking in its development.

The deranged statement from LaCroix’s CEO Nick Caporella, annotated.

Wow. That is a lot of WTF in there. No surprise that their stock is down.

The web at 30: Apple’s place in history

The legacy of NextStep, the weirdness of Internet Explorer for Mac, and the rise of WebKit.

(Be aware, you’ll likely be hit with ‘please agree to be tracked’ banner.)

A thought occurred to me. Perhaps we need an equivalent of hobo signs for web links, to warn others of potential hazards such as paywalls, overeager overlay dialog boxes, excessive advertising and tracking, etc. With spoken words for screen readers.

A reader asks: “What is your favorite laptop that you have ever had or used and why?” –

I’d forgotten about the butterfly keyboard on the IBM ThinkPad 701.

I’m working through Wes Bos’s Sublime Text Power User course, because I know I’m not using that to its full potential.

As part of that, I’ve start to change the keyboard command bindings so they work better for me, and fix a few duplicate bindings I’ve found.

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