Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

30-Jan-2019 (Wed) Wherein The Man has discovered Synthwave

Jamie Zawinski:

Hey look, the Wall Street Journal, of all things, has discovered Synthwave. That probably means its over now, right? “Synthwave, the Sound of an ’80s Childhood, Goes Mainstream.”

There’s a particular type of article that gets churned out every couple of years that always begins, “Biff! Bang! Pow! Comics aren’t just for kids any more!” This article is basically that but for music: it repeats the claim that “They’re not just 80s cover bands!” so many times that you can tell that the author really does think they’re all just 80s cover bands. (Incidentally, Stranger Things sucked, and while it was panderingly nostalgic, it did not invent nostalgia, or pandering. Note to lazy writers: other analogies exist.)

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