Alan Ralph

Wearer Of Many Hats

🛠️ Please note that this site is a work-in-progress as I play around & experiment — things may change appearance between visits. 🛠️

Hello (Again) Ello

Om Malik:

It is the antithesis of the likes-fueled, influencer-juiced world of Instagram and its algorithmic overlordship of creativity. If Instagram is the machine and crowd-powered enemy of creativity for the sake of creativity, Ello is just a place where there are fewer judgments about the art. It is not just about photos. There is art, fashion, music, design, architecture — and it feels like the East Village long before the faux-pubs, condos and the Whole Foods turned it into urban-suburbia.

There is a little current running through the network. There are no adverts because the company founders hated web advertising. I am not sure how they are doing as a business. But they are still around and have not raised new investment capital since their early days. They seem to be attracting new artists and creators.

It is weird, funky and fun — much like Tumblr was for most of its life before the puritans of New Jersey asphyxiated it. Ello lives in the shadow of the platform-controlled Internet doing its own thing. I have personally share one thing — just one message so far, but god, it is so much fun to waste a few minutes of my week looking at such beautiful art.

I had a look at Ello a while back, but couldn’t really find a compelling reason to stick around. Maybe time to take another gander…

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